Japan Medical Affairs Summit 2024
Meet With Us
4月22日 | 13時

宋 云柯
マネージング ディレクター、

宇佐美 智浩

中村 隆一郎
近年、社会におけるUnmet medical needs、AIの進化、実臨床におけるステークホルダーの関わり方、地政学リスクに基づく各国の市場やサプライチェーンの観点における重要性など、ヘルスケア産業に身を置く我々は、大きな変化を目の当たりにしています。製薬会社がこれら加速度的に変化する環境において、患者のアウトカムを最大化し、社会的責任を果たし続けるためには、自らも絶えずアップデートしていくことが求められます。特にメディカルアフェアーズは近年、その重要性が加速度的に増大している一方で、その業務の範囲や方法は比較的多様であり、未だ発展途上のファンクションだと言えるでしょう。Syneos Healthではこれまで様々なクライアントに対してコンサルティング・トレーニング・メディカルアフェアーズ業務代行・MSL派遣などのサービスを提供してきました。その経験の中で特に、「メディカルアフェアーズの組織や個人がどのように自らの現状を捉え、ケイパビリティを向上させていくことができるか」という点について、弊社の考えの一部をお話しさせていただきます。是非弊社のランチョンセミナーにご参加ください。
Building a Better Medical Affairs Organization
Amplifying the Synergy Between Medical Affairs and Clinical Development
Learning Agility: The Path Forward for Medical Affairs
Demystifying the Pathway to Realizing the True Value of Medical Affairs
Medical Affairs plays a pivotal role as the highly important and valuable function in promoting disease understanding and enhancing value to a therapy along the entire product development lifecycle.
As you guide your innovation from the earliest phases of discovery through clinical development and, ultimately, into real-world clinical practice, Syneos Health is prepared with the strategic insight, scientific expertise, organizational excellence and purposeful engagement you’ll need for today’s modern product development journey.
Meet With Us
Colleagues from our Consulting, Medical Affairs and Learning Solutions teams will be on hand showcasing our capabilities in the region. Find us at booth #6 or schedule a meeting to discuss your medical affairs needs.
Featured Session
Considering the Abilities of Individuals and Organizations Required for Medical Affairs
April 22 | 1pm JST

Yunke Song, Managing Director, Consulting,
Syneos Health

Tomohiro Usami, Senior Director, Medical Affairs,
Syneos Health

Ryuichiro Nakamura, Director, Learning Solutions,
Syneos Health
In recent years, those of us working in the healthcare industry have witnessed significant changes, such as unmet medical needs in society, advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), stakeholder involvement in real-world clinical settings, and the importance of market and supply chain perspectives based on geopolitical risks. In this rapidly changing environment, pharmaceutical companies are required to continuously evolve in order to maximize patient outcomes and fulfill their social responsibilities. Particularly, the importance of Medical Affairs has been rapidly increasing in recent years, and its scope and methods of operation can be considered relatively diverse, as it is still an evolving function. Syneos Health has provided various services such as consulting, training, Medical Affairs outsourcing, and MSL dispatch to numerous clients. Based on our experience, we share some of our thoughts on how Medical Affairs organizations and individuals can perceive their current situation and improve their capabilities.
Related Content
Building a Better Medical Affairs Organization
Amplifying the Synergy Between Medical Affairs and Clinical Development
Learning Agility: The Path Forward for Medical Affairs
Demystifying the Pathway to Realizing the True Value of Medical Affairs