ISPOR 2024

In biopharmaceutical development, crafting a compelling value story is crucial for achieving success in the market. Real World Evidence (RWE) serves as the cornerstone of this narrative, resonating with payers, physicians, patients, and now more than ever, regulators, who acknowledge the significance of the data provided by RWE.
Our integrated approach involves synergizing the expertise of Real World Late Phase, Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR), and Market Access teams spanning across strategic geographies. With a global presence and approximately 400 dedicated employees with diverse expertise spanning 6 continents, Syneos Health ensures comprehensive coverage and tailored solutions to meet the needs of its clients.
Meet with Us
Our team of experts in RWE, market access and HEOR will be present at ISPOR 2024, demonstrating our comprehensive knowledge and skills in real world research and beyond. Find us at booth #230 (Hall A1) or schedule a meeting to discuss your needs.
Featured Sessions
PRESENTATION: Inflation Reduction Act Data Collection Provisions

Tiffany McCaslin
Managing Director, Value & Access, Syneos Health Consulting
POSTER: Fall-Related Risks with Pharmacological Interventions in Mild-to-Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease: A Bayesian Network Meta-Analysis

Puneet Kumar
Director, HEOR, Syneos Health Consulting
POSTER: Feasibility of Identifying Demographic and Clinical Insights for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease from Real-World Data

Keely Madaj
Associate Director, Epidemiology, Real World Evidence, Syneos Health
Related Content
Want to learn more? Explore Insights Hub for our latest perspectives, subscribe to our podcast, or click the resources below:
Real World Research at Syneos Health
Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR)
Syneos Health Time and Motion Studies
Syneos Health Pregnancy Safety Studies
Cell & Gene Market Access Solutions
Using Real World Evidence for Externally Controlled Trials in Rare Disease Drug Development
EUnetHTA Roadmap and its Implications on Biotech/ Pharma Manufacturers
Potential Impact of EU Pharma Legislation on Commercialization and Access of New Therapies
BLOG | RWE, RWD and Tokenization for Asset Development: What Biopharma Teams Need to Know
Syneos Health Podcast | Real Talk About the Inflation Reduction Act
Syneos Health Podcast | Patient Assistance: The Best Deal in Pharma
Journal Publications
A Causal Roadmap for Generating High-Quality Real-World Evidence
Aiding the Adoption of Master Protocols by Optimizing Patient Engagement
ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research (2021): T&M survey using online survey platform